
Students who believe their knowledge in a degree-related field could be enhanced by supervised, practical experience within an appropriate organization may request an internship. Internship credits may not be obtained from past experience.

City University of Seattle endeavors to secure the cooperation of relevant organizations in offering internships whereby students may expand on classroom learning. With the exception of state certification programs, students themselves usually help arrange for internship placement acceptable to City University of Seattle.

Any associate or bachelor’s degree candidate who has completed 45 quarter credits at City University of Seattle, with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0, may define an internship experience with a variable credit value of one to fifteen (1-15) credits. Any master’s degree candidate who has completed 18 quarter credits at City University of Seattle with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 may define and request, in conjunction with the program director or coordinator, an internship experience with a value of one to nine (1-9) credits.

The duration of the internship, the required practical and written assignments, the criteria of evaluation, and all other conditions must be approved by the school dean or designee.