IS 480 Capstone - Software Development

This course is the capstone for the major core of the Bachelor of Science in Information Systems (BSIS) program. Emphasis is placed on key elements of the curriculum and the student’s opportunity to apply knowledge from the previous courses in the BSIS track. In addition, this course covers: how to apply project management to Software/IT Infrastructure development, addressing topics such as the appropriate development life cycle, planning and estimating development, staffing and controlling projects, feasibility studies, cost/benefit analysis, requirements gathering, design, Software/IT Infrastructure quality assurance, configuration management, testing, Software/IT Infrastructure documentation, Software/IT Infrastructure implementation and maintenance, and IT strategic planning. After finishing the course, students will complete the BSIS degree with an understanding of the technical and organizational complexity of software development. Students will also appreciate that software development is a continually evolving field and that keeping up with developments in the field will require a plan for lifelong learning.Prerequisites: IS 201, IS 305, IS 320, IS 330, IS 340, IS 345, IS 350, IS 360, IS 405, IS 440, IS 450, and IS 470. Any exceptions much have special permission from the IS Program Director.
