Executive Leadership: Professional Certificate Principals and Program Administrators

This program provides the essential knowledge and skills necessary for Washington state professional certification of principals and program administrators through a job-imbedded, professionally mentored and coached program that is standards–driven, performance based, and personalized. Based on the Washington state leadership standards and standards of the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC), the program includes pre-assessment aligned to professional standards; professional growth planning, goals, implementation, and reflection; and development of an action research project integrated product; culminating seminar and presentation of a professional certification portfolio and action research project integrated product. Candidates demonstrate that they have made a positive impact on student learning.

Total Required Credits (6 Credits)

Required Courses

EDLD 670Entry and Pre-Assessment Seminar


EDLD 671Practicum I


EDLD 672Practicum II


EDLD 673Practicum III


EDLD 674Culminating Seminar