Information Technology, Doctorate

The Doctor of Information Technology (DIT) program is designed for working professionals who wish to develop advanced skills in strategic IT planning, project and program leadership, IT innovation, cyber security, and analytics. The program allows students to develop key leadership skills that will be useful in IT leadership, consulting and higher education.

With a focus on developing advanced skills in IT leadership, the program will prepare students for senior-level positions in a rapidly changing field.  The program will examine methods to optimize performance and returns using current technologies but will also examine the likely impacts of artificial intelligence, data analytics, and the Internet of things (IoT). Through a broad review of the IT field, students will master the skills needed to work with technical and non-technical stakeholders to develop and implement an optimal IT strategy.

In this multidisciplinary program, students will receive high-quality and relevant learning experiences, through a flexible format that meets the student's career schedule.  All classes will be conducted online with the exception of three in-person doctoral seminars that are scheduled throughout the program.

DIT students will choose from one of five concentration areas that fit their educational goals.  They are:

  • Computer Science
  • Information Security
  • Project Management
  • Adult Education and Instructional Design
  • Management and Leadership

The Doctor of Information Technology will prepare graduates to:

  • Examine information technology issues that drive ethical, sustainable, and innovative organizations.
  • Appraise information technology theories and practices as they relate to diverse and global perspectives.
  • Create research-based interventions to drive technological and organizational change and improve practices in various organizational contexts.
  • Recommend research based, data-driven solutions to organizational stakeholders and other professional audiences.
  • Utilize existing research to build an independent research study that addressed a known problem and advances knowledge in the field of information technology.



Total Required Credits (78 Credits)

Information Technology Core (42 Credits)

DIT 605Information Technology Strategic Management


DIT 610Information Technology Policy and Governance


DIT 615Planning and Managing IT Projects


DIT 620IT Innovation in Complex and Global Environments


DIT 625Information Assurance and Cybersecurity


DIT 630Data Driven Decisions


DIT 635Data and Business Analytics


Specialization Block 18 Credits

Completion of 12 credits of graduate or doctoral courses from Computer Science, Information Security, Adult Education, Project Management, or Management and Leadership. Courses can be transferred from another institution with Program Director approval. All students must complete DIT 670.
DIT 670Information Technology Capstone


Residencies (3 Credits)

DITR 601Residency 1


DITR 602Residency 2


DITR 603Residency 3


Applied Doctoral Study (14 Credits)

DITR 694AApplied Doctoral Study 1


DITR 694BApplied Doctoral Study 2


DITR 694CApplied Doctoral Study 3


DITR 694DApplied Doctoral Study 4


DITR 694EApplied Doctoral Study 5


DITR 695Applied Doctoral Study Implementation and Dissemination


Pre-Entry Requirement 1 Credit

DIT 600DIT Orientation to Doctoral Program