General Education Distribution Requirements, Undergraduate

Undergraduate Degrees

Basic to an undergraduate education is a foundation of general education. The University requires all candidates for undergraduate degrees to satisfy the following minimum general education requirements:


College Composition  5 quarter credits
Quantitative/Symbolic  Reasoning  5 quarter credits
Humanities  15 quarter credits
Social Sciences  15 quarter credits
Natural Sciences/Mathematics  15 quarter credits

In order to fulfill the College Composition requirement, students must achieve a minimum grade of 2.0 in the designated College Composition course for transfer or through completion at CityU.

All degree programs require completion of Quantitative/Symbolic Reasoning. Some programs require specific courses to meet this requirement.  Specific requirements are listed on the specific degree pages in the catalog.  For transfer of this requirement, students must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher from the school at which the requirement was completed, and have earned a minimum course grade of 1.7.

Some general education requirements may be satisfied with upper-division course credits that are part of the student's program.

Undergraduate Certificates

Basic to an undergraduate education is a foundation of general education. The University may require all candidates for undergraduate certificates to satisfy one or both of the following minimum general education requirements:


College Composition 5 quarter credits 
Quantitative/Symbolic Reasoning  5 quarter credits

In order to fulfill the College Composition requirement, students must achieve a minimum grade of 2.0 in the designated College Composition course for transfer or through completion at CityU.

In the School of Business and Management and the School of Education and Leadership the general education courses covering college composition and college mathematics are admission requirements. In the School of Health and Social Sciences, one or both of the courses is a required prerequisite depending on the program.

General Education

A course fulfilling the college composition requirement must stress written communication and be equivalent to the university's designated college composition course, ENG 102 English Composition II, and must be taught in English. A course fulfilling the Quantitative/Symbolic Reasoning requirement must be equivalent to the university's designated requirement course for the specific degree program.

Examples of Quantitative/Symbolic Reasoning (QSR) include:

  • College-level mathematics
  • Logic (must include Venn diagrams and Aristotelian logic)
  • Or, be from a Washington State College direct transfer agreement (DTA) associate degree meeting the degree awarding school's QSR requirement for degree completion.

Students must also complete courses in at least two separate disciplines within the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences/mathematics. Examples of courses in areas within each discipline include:


Humanities Social Sciences Natural Sciences/Mathematics
 Communication Anthropology  Astronomy
 Drama/Theater Economics Biology
 Ethics Ethics


 History* Ethnic Studies Chemistry
 Languages Geography Computer Sciences
Literature History Geology
Music  Linguistics Mathematics
Philosophy/Logic Political Science Meteorology
Religion Psychology  Oceanography 
Speech Sociology Physics
    Quantitative Logic

* History may be applied to Humanities if the institution at which the course was taken has defined it as meeting Humanities or by review of the CityU Registrar and general education director.