ECI 640 Writing for Reflective Practice

This course is intended to provide students with support as they work on written Component requirements for the National Board for professional Teaching Standards. Candidates will have opportunities to integrate personal and professional growth through feedback, reflection and collaboration. Adapt teaching and learning strategies to meet the needs of diverse students. This course will focus on the three writing styles: descriptive, analytical and reflective to express content knowledge and commitment to student learning. Descriptive writing provides a clear explanation, with supporting evidence to "show" the reader what is being described. Analytic writing will back up your conclusions with evidence or examples that explain why a particular teaching strategy was successful, including rationale of why you selected that strategy and explanation of what the next steps are for your student’s success. Reflective writing will allow for future lessons that foster student development of the content areas, and to look at professional growth of the teacher. Relevance of this course includes selection of units that demonstrate student assessment and focuses on content goals, unit goals and individual goals supported by formative and summative assessments and opportunities to demonstrate knowledge of content area through thought out lessons responding to student work performance. Through the support of the cohort and a trained facilitator, this course provides multiple opportunities to discuss goals and objectives within units to develop strategic lesson planning for student improvement based on feedback provided during assessments, and use of standards and content knowledge within the writing process. Step by step goals will be set to break up the writing into manageable deadlines and blocks of completion. Students will be able to explain and demonstrate ability to discuss student progress, link up their content and assessment to National board standards and reflect on their teaching methods. Spreadsheets, organizers, useful resources and feedback from a trained facilitator is included in all courses.




By Program Director approval