GS 295 Associate Degree Capstone

GS 295 is the final course in the General Studies Associate of Science program. In this capstone course, students complete assignments, including a final portfolio integrating previous work and synthesizing their learning with an emphasis on their professional development goals. Students should complete all other courses in their program before registering for this course or have program director approval. 




Completion of all other courses in student's program, or program director approval.


  1. This course will prepare students to:
  2. PLO2: Collaborate with others to develop, organize, and communicate concise, logical, and consistent messages.
  3. PLO3: Apply principles of critical thinking to identify, categorize, and analyze issues to develop sound and logical conclusions.
  4. PLO5: Synthesize diverse perspectives within a global context to develop an appreciation for and explain differences in behaviors and practices of individuals, organizations, and communities.
  5. PLO4: Identify and integrate ethical issues, based on individual and organizational values, and applies principles in decision-making.
  6. PLO6: Demonstrate the ability to reflect on new learning, insights and changed perspectives to further develop knowledge, skills, and abilities.
  7. PLO1: Connect academic learning with professional experience to expand professional identity and broaden perspectives of various disciplines.