Academic Classroom Conduct

Academic Classroom Policy

Students have the right to learn without interference from others. Faculty members have the authority to protect this right by creating and maintaining an environment that is conducive to learning. The college is an institution of learning and teaching and strives to maintain a climate of respect, sensitivity, and courtesy.


Classroom misconduct is any behavior which disrupts or interferes with the learning experience or violates the expectations of any instructor. Students are required and expected to conduct themselves in a mature and considerate manner. Interruptions and disruptions of the classroom atmosphere inhibit and prevent learning and teaching. Students are expected to conduct and express themselves in a way that is respectful to all individuals. This includes respecting the rights of others to comment and participate fully in class as well as following specific guidelines provided by the University and instructors.


Examples of Classroom Misconduct

Classroom misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the following:

1. Engaging in behavior that disrupts or interferes with the learning experience, including talking in class while the faculty member or other students are speaking, using offensive language or personal attack, creating distractions or disturbances, sleeping, and reading unrelated materials.

2.  Using cell phones or other electronic devices that disrupt the learning process. The use of personal laptop computers, phones, etc. may be acceptable in some classes; however, they must be used only for note-taking or activities in direct support of the course objectives. Faculty members have the right to ask students to shut down any electronic devices.

3. Entering the classroom late or leaving the classroom prior to the end of class, unless exceptional circumstances arise.


Consequences of Classroom Misconduct

Any student who commits an act of classroom/field experience misconduct will be subject to classroom and University sanctions as determined by this Code and/or any policies established by the University’s individual schools or departments.  Unlike violations of the Student Code of Conduct, an instance of classroom misconduct can be resolved directly by the applicable instructor.  If an instructor determines that a student has engaged in classroom/field misconduct, he/she may impose sanctions, including, but not limited to, the following:

•   Giving a warning — an oral explanation of the violation and the possible consequences if misconduct continues;

•    Dismissal from the remaining class/field experience time during which the infraction occurs;

•    Dismissal from the remaining class/field experience time during which the infraction occurs, with required meeting with a designated University employee (e.g., faculty 
     member, program director, dean, Provost, etc.) prior to returning to class;

•    Assignment of a reduced or failing grade on an assignment, paper, project or exam;

•   Reduction in the final grade for the course;

•   Assignment of a failing grade for the course;

•   Required meeting with the faculty member and/or a Dean if necessary; and

•   Referral to the Provost.

If a student is removed from class for a second offense, or if the first offense is egregious and/or involves threatening or violent behavior, the student could be placed on temporary suspension from that class pending investigation by the VP Student Affairs under the guidelines of the Student Code of Conduct.

Any student who receives a sanction for classroom misconduct may pursue the student appeal process set forth in Student Conduct Process and Procedures.  Withdrawal from a course does not exempt a student from any pending allegations of classroom misconduct.

(Policy # 2300.22)