Data Science, Master of Science
The Master of Science in Data Science (MSDS) is an inherently interdisciplinary field that requires effective integration of a domain to provide data and a context for its exploration, statistics, and computer science. The Program follows the Body of Knowledge of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Data Science. This degree prepares graduates for a myriad of opportunities to work in and advance their Data Science careers. The graduates can understand their data and know what they can expect to learn from the data. They can select the right tools and techniques to get the job done.
Courses provide focus on data acquisition, data management, data mining, data governance, data analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, and programming for computing, big data systems, and mathematics and statistics needed to deliver Data Science projects, as well as maintaining the professional skills required to advance in the Data Science field. Students will emerge with the experience and leadership identity required to influence the way that Data Science is implemented and consumed in any corporation or government organization.
The Depth of Study (DOS) sequence prepares students to demonstrate expertise in a specific area. The Choice courses allow students to expand their interests in other disciplines. The internship provides students a vehicle to apply what they have learned in the degree to real work problems at a for-profit or a non-profit organization.
The capstone is the platform that exhibits the synthesis of student’s academic accomplishments and experiential internship learnings. Under the guidance of an advisor, the capstone can be a project, research paper, thesis or poster, and a public presentation designed to demonstrate mastery.
The Master of Science in Data Science (MSDS) will prepare students to:
- Integrate a foundational knowledge of all areas of advanced data science (General Computing Knowledge).
- Apply fundamental principles and practices of advanced data science (Data Science Principles and Practices)
- Apply critical and ethical thinking to solve problems in advanced data science (Critical and Ethical Thinking).
- Evaluate data to inform decisions and solve problems in advanced data science (Quantitative Literacy).
- Create the ability to develop and express ideas while applying a variety of delivery models, genres, and styles (Communication).
- Collaborate effectively on diverse teams to accomplish a common goal (Collaboration).
In addition to City University of Seattle's graduate admission requirements, found under Admissions in the catalog menu, students enrolling in the School of Technology and Computing graduate programs must meet the requirements listed below:
- An earned Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Technology or Computing-related majors such as Computer Systems, Computer Science, Information Systems, Information Technology, Cybersecurity; OR
- An earned Bachelor's degree in another field and evidence of completion of undergraduate courses or their equivalent in:
- Equivalency of 5-quarter hour credits at the intermediate level in at least one computer programming language; and
- Equivalency of 5-quarter hour credits in networking (TCP/IP from physical through applications layers); and
- Equivalency of 5-quarter credits of data management including basic database design and SOL/NoSQL Queries; and
- Equivalency of 5-quarter credits of operating systems including OS theory, process management, and memory management; OR
- An earned Bachelor's degree in another field and successful completion of CityU’s Undergraduate Certificate in Foundations of Systems Development.
Total Required Credits (39-59 Credits)*
*Preparatory course may be required for students entering the MS - Data Science degree program without sufficient related experience. Please see the program admissions criteria in the City University of Seattle catalog for specific information.
Preparatory Courses (20 Credits)
Core Requirements (24 Credits)
CS 506 | Programming for Computing | 3 |
CS 622 | Discrete Math and Algorithms for Computing | 3 |
DS 510 | Artificial Intelligence for Data Science | 3 |
DS 515 | Data Science Overview | 3 |
DS 520 | Data Mining | 3 |
DS 522 | Data Acquisition and Analytics | 3 |
DS 524 | Data Management and Governance | 3 |
DS 620 | Machine Learning & Deep Learning | 3 |
Depth of Study: Data Science (6 Credits)
DS 623 | Math & Statistics for Data Science | 3 |
DS 625 | Big Data Architectures and Systems | 3 |
Choice Coursework (6 Credits Graduate Level)
| Choose two courses from those listed below | |
CS 504 | Software Engineering | 3 |
CS 519 | Cloud Computing Overview | 3 |
DS 680 | Data Science Internship | 3 |
ISEC 545 | Data Privacy and Security | 3 |
ITMGMT 510 | Managing the Technology Project | 3 |
ITMGMT 570 | Maintaining the Technology Infrastructure | 3 |
ITMGMT 575 | Technology Implementation and Change | 3 |
Capstone (3 Credits)