Student Code of Conduct

Admission to City University of Seattle carries an expectation that students will conduct themselves as responsible members of the University community. The University student conduct procedures are designed to protect the rights of the individual and of the community as a whole. Students enrolling in the University assume responsibility for their actions while participating in University sanctioned activities.

The President, Provost, Vice President(s), Deans, or Senior Managers of the University may summarily suspend a student in order to protect University community members from the immediate possibility of disorder, misconduct, threat or harm. The student is required to immediately leave the University premises and all of his/her privileges are suspended until an investigation has been conducted. Summary suspensions may be in effect for up to ten working days.

In some cases, an alleged violation of the Student Code of Conduct will be resolved by a staff member when the infraction is not serious. If successful resolution is not reached, and for more serious violations of the Code, the student will be referred to the Vice President of Student Services.

Allegations of misconduct and summary suspensions referred to the Vice President of Student Services will be investigated and the Vice President will make a determination regarding the validity of the complaint and the severity of the violation. If the violation is found to be a minor infraction, the Vice President may dismiss the violation or impose a sanction including but not limited to dismissal, a verbal warning, formal reprimand, restitution, or disciplinary probation.

If the violation is found to be a major infraction, the Vice President will convene the Student Conduct Hearing Board for a formal review. The Student Conduct Hearing Board will recommend to the Vice President the appropriate disciplinary action including but not limited to a verbal warning, formal reprimand, restitution, disciplinary probation, disciplinary suspension, or expulsion.

Student’s Right to Appeal

The student will be notified in writing of the decision of the Vice President. The student may accept the decision of the Vice President or may appeal in writing within ten working days to the President. The President’s decision is final.

Violations of Student Conduct include, but are not limited to:

  1. Theft or damage to property of a student, faculty or staff member, or visitor to University premises;
  2. Verbal, written or physical abuse or threat to any student, faculty or staff member of the University, visitor to the University, or personnel at institutions with which the University has cooperative agreements (such as schools);
  3. Obstruction or disruption of the teaching, operation of a class or other activity of the University;
  4. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of University documents, records, or identification;
  5. Unauthorized entry or occupancy of University facilities or blocking access to or egress from such areas;
  6. Unauthorized use of University property, facilities, or services;
  7. Unauthorized use of technology resources or consumables;
  8. Use, possession or distribution of alcohol or illegal substances on any University site or at any University sponsored or sanctioned function;
  9. Failure to comply with directions of University employees acting in the legitimate performance of their duties;
  10. Possession or use of firearms (concealed, permitted, or otherwise), explosives, dangerous chemicals or any other weapons on any University site or at any University-sponsored or sanctioned function. Exceptions to the rule forbidding possession of firearms may be granted to uniformed police officers by the Vice President of Student Administration;
  11. Disorderly or indecent conduct, personally or intentionally abusive language, breach of the peace or procuring another to breach the peace;
  12. Sexual harassment as defined in the current published City University of Seattle Catalog;
  13. Intentional violations of University rules, policies, and procedures;
  14. Failure to comply with the University’s Information Technology Resource Code of Conduct for Students;
  15. Falsely setting off or tampering with emergency safety equipment, alarm or other device designed for the safety of individuals or University property;
  16. Violating the term of any disciplinary sanction imposed in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.


Verbal Warning:

A verbal notice to the student that his/her conduct does not meet the standards of the University. Record of the verbal warning will remain in the student file until graduation at which time the reprimand will be removed and destroyed.

Formal Reprimand:

A written notice to the student that his/her conduct does not meet the standards of the University. A reprimand is considered warning that further incidents of misconduct may result in further disciplinary action. Written reprimands will remain in the student file until graduation at which time the reprimand will be removed and destroyed.


Reimbursement for damage to or misappropriation of property or fines as a result of tampering with emergency safety equipment.

Disciplinary Probation:

Restriction or exclusion from University-related activities. Disciplinary probation may be imposed for a period not to exceed two years. Further misconduct of any kind during the probationary period may result in further disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from the University.

Summary Suspension:

Temporary dismissal from the University and temporary termination of the student’s status for a period of time not to exceed ten days.

Disciplinary Suspension:

Exclusion from classes or other privileges for a period not to exceed two years.


Indefinite termination of student status.

(Policy #2300.02)