ETC 522 Social Studies Methods

This course introduces candidates to methods of social studies instruction.  An emphasis is placed on understanding diverse perspectives and interpretations of events in history.  This course helps candidates further develop the skills to integrate multiple content areas.  In this course, candidates investigate various teaching strategies to motivate children, explore what it means to critically evaluate sources, to interpret events, and to promote civic behavior and discourse. Course content includes concepts relating to: 1) civics, 2) economics, 3) geography, 4) history (emphasizing Pacific Northwest history and Since Time Immemorial curriculum). Candidates will use self-reflection to analyze and inform their own social studies instructional practices.  This course includes components of state requirements for certification. 




  1. This course will prepare students to:
  2. Identify the four major areas of Social Studies.
  3. Evaluate instructional best practices in Social Studies.
  4. Analyze historical events from multiple perspectives, particularly perspectives which are underrepresented in standardized curriculum and instruction in K-12 schools.
  5. Design social studies lesson plans which incorporate inquiry-based activities, WA state social studies standards, and concepts and materials from the Since Time Immemorial (STI) curriculum.