ISEC 545 Data Privacy and Security

This course focuses on the protection of data at rest, during processing, and in transit. Data scientists should be able to consider data privacy concerns and their related challenges when they acquire, process, and produce data. They should recognize the trade-offs of sharing and protecting sensitive information and how domestic and international privacy rights impact a company’s responsibility for collecting, storing, and handling data. This course also requires the application of mathematical and analytical algorithms to implement fully. Topics include basic cryptography concepts, digital forensics, end-to-end secure communications, data integrity and authentication, and information storage security.




  1. As a result of this course, students will know or be able to do the following:
  2. Apply security assessment protocols.
  3. Apply cryptography and digital forensic concepts using Python.
  4. Apply end-to-end communications in a cloud/hybrid environment.
  5. Analyze authentication and data integrity using information storage security protocols in a cloud environment.
  6. Evaluate data privacy in the context of national and international standards and regulations.
  7. Create a strategic end-to-end information storage security plan in a cloud environment.