PSY 311 Writing and Critical Thinking in Social Science (HU)

The critical thinking process is used to analyze social issues and aid the student in identifying rational solutions. Topics examined include: argument analyzing and building; forms and standards of critical thinking; and evaluating sources of information. This course also develops students' skills in writing.




  1. This course will prepare students to:
  2. Analyze arguments for their accuracy, logical cohesiveness, and consistency
  3. Apply the principles of critical thinking to professional writing
  4. Assess differing viewpoints on contemporary, social issues
  5. Evaluate various sources fortheir use in professional writing and presentations
  6. Differentiate between inference and fact
  7. Present an argument with appropriate supporting data and logical consistency
  8. Prepare various forms of professional writin
  9. Critically examine psychological literature
  10. Trace the development of an argument from its proposition to its conclusio
  11. Identify types of fallacies in reasoning