SCI 215 Environmental Science (NS)

This course explores environmental change on a global scale, emphasizing the fundamental concepts of matter, energy, and ecology as applied to contemporary concerns. Environmental issues impacting more than two dozen countries are illustrated in order to develop an international perspective on the environmental challenges facing our planet.




  1. This course will prepare students to:
  2. Explain why different types of societies perceive environmental problems differently and pursue different solutions.
  3. Distinguish between the environmental impacts of industrial and developing societies.
  4. Describe the ethical considerations involved in planning future environmental legislation and policies from multiple perspectives.
  5. Explain how human impact on the earth has changed through history and why environmental concerns have recently become so prominent.
  6. Describe the major environmental challenges facing modern societies and the trade-offs these challenges pose.
  7. Describe the scientific principles underlying basic phenomena of environmental changes.
  8. Assess the technologies associated with major environmental problems and the technologies that may aid in solving these problems.