SSC 202 Introduction to Criminal Justice Systems (HU or SS)

This course introduces the criminal justice system. Students develop a general understanding of the criminal justice system and its response to crime in society. Topics include policing, courts, and corrections with emphasis examining special issues to understand the balance between individual liberty and public order. Upon completion of this course, students exercise critical thinking in evaluating justice, punishment, and reform. 




  1. This course will prepare students to:
  2. Describe a criminal case and process, including the investigation and in-court procedure in detail.
  3. Understand overarching themes including recidivism, reform, deterrence, and retribution as well as the role those concepts play in informing punishment.
  4. Apply the concepts of liberty and justice to criminal justice concepts including guilt, punishment, and reform.
  5. Relate theories that attempt to explain the reason for the existence of crime and various models of punishment and justice.
  6. Create and provide reasons to support a punishment system informed by research.
  7. Evaluate a specific area of criminal justice reform, offer reasons to both support and oppose change, and provide an informed opinion.