COUN 632 Practicum III

This is a third course of a four-part practicum sequence (COUN 621, 622, 632, 633). For the entire Practicum sequence, students complete 100 total hours and 40 direct hours of client contact at a program-approved site. Students will meet weekly with a site supervisor for individual/triadic supervision, and weekly with the course instructor for group supervision. The student will carry professional liability insurance and abide by the ACA Code of Ethics. Students are expected to use and complete the forms included in the MAC Clinical Training Manual. Methods of instruction primarily feature in-class face-to-face learning. Grading for this course is Pass/Fail. To pass, students must meet minimum performance requirements and submit all assignments by the due date.

Additionally, students will engage in a Social Justice activity(ies) for a minimum of 40 hours during the Practicum and/or Internship experience. Methods of instruction primarily feature: in-class face-to-face learning in addition to site clinical work. 




Admission to the MAC program.


  1. This course will prepare students to:
  2. a) Recognize and apply professional ethical standards including clear and appropriate relationships with clients, colleagues and the community.
  3. b) Collaborate with people of diverse ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability, religious beliefs, and socioeconomic status.
  4. c) Establish a commitment to professional development through continuing education, clinical supervision, self-reflection, and consultation with peers.
  5. d) Establish and maintain effective counseling relationships, and employs counseling techniques that are consistent with the selected theoretical approach.
  6. e) Gather information to assess needs and next steps in the counseling process, including assessment for suicide/homicide risk and reporting requirements for abuse/neglect.
  7. f) Produces written communication that meets professional standards.
  8. g) Social justice counseling competencies through gaining a systemic understanding for the influence of client cultural background in presenting problems and the role of counselors in promoting social justice and the well-being of the greater community.