ECU 601 Master of Education Capstone Project

Candidates complete a capstone project centered upon an important and authentic educational problem of practice.  There is an emphasis on the selection and synthesis of existing research into a literature review, as well as the practical application of new knowledge and skills in a classroom setting to improve educational practice. 




Admission to the M.Ed. program, completion of ECU 504


  1. This course will prepare students to:
  2. Describe a problem of practice within a school or classroom setting.
  3. Write a research question(s) of appropriate scope to explore a problem of practice within a school or classroom setting.
  4. Synthesize existing research into a literature review.
  5. Determine and describe appropriate research design, methodology, and methods to effectively explore research question(s).
  6. Interpret and analyze data and/or research.
  7. Make recommendations for the problem of practice that are connected to research and data.