EDU 351 Internship I

In this first field experience, candidates complete the required number of days in a school classroom with guidance of a cooperating teacher and field supervisor. Topics include essential dispositions and skills in planning for instruction, engaging students, and assessing learning. Completion of this introductory internship provides candidates field-based perspectives and reflection skills needed to improve performance in this and following field experiences. 




Admission to BA in Education Program


  1. This course will prepare students to:
  2. Develop professional habits and dispositions expected of a professional teacher
  3. Develop instructional skills to make a positive impact on student learning
  4. Plan learning for positive inclusion of all students and families
  5. Assimilate feedback from mentors and field supervisors in order to refine practice.
  6. Reflect on strengths and growth areas, and plan for professional growth
  7. Refine practice through description, analysis, and reflection
  8. Apply education theories to the needs of students in the classroom context
  9. Collaborate with program peers in a professional learning community