IS 350 Systems Analysis and Design

This course is concerned with applying theory, knowledge, and practice to effectively and efficiently build reliable software systems that satisfy the requirements of customers and users.  It encompasses all phases of the lifecycle of a software system, including requirements elicitation, analysis, and specification; design; construction; verification and validation; deployment; and operation and maintenance.  The following topics are covered: processes, project management, tools and environments, requirements engineering, design, construction, verification and validation, software evolution, and software reliability.




  1. As a result of this course, students will know or be able to do the following:
  2. Understand functionality with the use of models to explain data flow, processes, and networking.
  3. Apply the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) phases and alternate system development methodologies (Structured Analysis, Object Oriented Analysis and Agile).
  4. Apply theory, knowledge, and practice to effectively and efficiently build reliable software systems.
  5. Analyze, trends in software that may benefit business and/or services/government.
  6. Evaluate approaches to software system analysis and design using the SWEBOK as foundation; demonstrate proficiency in framework analysis -- Zachman Framework, TOGAF-The Open Group Architectural Framework.
  7. Design complete system demonstrating proficiency in requirements gathering, design specifications, coding requirements, testing recommendations, documentation.