BUS 304 Organizational Behavior and Leadership (SS)

In this course, leadership is operationalized as the art of facilitating the emergence of ideal collective behaviors that align strongly with organizational objectives. This particular description sheds light on the strong synergy between a leader’s understanding of the concept of organizational behavior and her/ his leadership skills. An emphasis is placed on examining the formation and emergence of behavior at individual, team, and organizational level in parallel with the interrelationship among these three categories. Primary topics include mental models, decision making, collective behavior, organizational design, ethics, and selecting proper leadership styles.




  1. This course will prepare students to:
  2. 1. Evaluate the benefits and challenges of alternatives to achieve high performance at the individual, team, and organizational levels.
  3. 2. Evaluate organizational decisions using fundamental ethical theories including consequentialism and deontology.
  4. 3. Utilize organizational behavior (OB) theories, frameworks, principles, and tactics to prevent OB problems and, when problems are identified, create alternatives to address them.
  5. 4. Create a customized organizational behavior framework/paradigm to enhance personal decision making and leadership skills.
  6. 5. Make recommendations to improve individual, team, or organization performance.
  7. 6. Identify principles and challenges related to forming and guiding the evolution of organizational behaviors.