COM 319 Interpersonal Communication (HU or SS)

This course explores the dynamics of interpersonal communication and builds tools and skills for effective human interaction. Students will examine the principles of emotional intelligence, negotiation, mediation, conflict management, listening, and verbal and nonverbal communication. Developing theoretical perspectives and practical skills in these areas applies to personal and professional contexts.




  1. This course will prepare students to:
  2. 1. Identify, analyze, and apply concepts of perception, self-concept, and verbal and nonverbal communication to personal experiences
  3. 2. Analyze computer-mediated communication
  4. 3. Evaluate how conflict and power issues in interpersonal relationships can be handled effectively with communication
  5. 4. Examine the elements of emotions, negative feelings, and assertiveness in the interpersonal communication process
  6. 5. Assess the roles of gender and culture in the interpersonal communication process
  7. 6. Identify and examine forms of nonverbal communication and listening styles in interpersonal communicative exchanges
  8. 7. Analyze theoretical concepts central to the study of communication in the relational context