COM 497 Practicum (HU)

The student will propose and complete a culminating communications project in the student’s area of interest. The student’s project provides an opportunity for the student to apply skills and knowledge gained throughout the student’s academic career to a practical work environment and to build experience to aid in career development. The student will construct a proposal that meets the following criteria: the project can be completed in one quarter; a supervisor at the communication project’s site is willing to provide guidance and evaluation; and the project enables the student to incorporate knowledge gained in studies in real-world experience. The student will also compile a portfolio of work completed in the program and other documents that can be used for future employment opportunities. A presentation of the practicum experience and results utilizing social technology will be the final requirement of the project. This course is graded Pass/No Pass.




  1. This course will prepare students to:
  2. 1. Professional competency and professional identity.
  3. 2. Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
  4. 3. Critical thinking and information literacy.
  5. 4. Commitment to ethical practice and service.
  6. 5. Diverse and global perspective.
  7. 6. Lifelong learning.