CY 685 Cybersecurity Internship *

As a part of the City University Program, there is the option of using a professional internship to enhance the graduate school experience. Within this option, a student will be involved in designing, participating in, and reflecting upon the internship experience. An internship is a planned new learning activity, which provides the student with a business-related learning experience designed to enhance competency while integrating theory and practice within a given field. Students can repeat their internship for the second quarter in sequence.




The student must have completed a minimum of 18 credit hours in the MSCS; be currently enrolled in a graduate program at City University with a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher. This class is repeatable for credit.


  1. This course will prepare students to:
  2. 1. Integrate a foundational knowledge of all areas of advanced computer science (General Computing Knowledge).
  3. 2. Apply fundamental principles and practices of advanced computer science (Computer Science Principles and Practices).
  4. 3. Apply critical and ethical thinking to solve problems in advanced computer science (Critical and Ethical Thinking).
  5. 4. Evaluate data to inform decisions and solve problems in advanced computer science (Quantitative Literacy).
  6. 5. Express ideas while applying a variety of delivery models, genres, and styles (Communication).
  7. 6. Create collaborative, diverse teams to accomplish a common goal (Collaboration).