ECC 516 Family Systems and Conflict Management

Students examine how the school leader contributes to establishing and maintaining a positive school climate. Topics include the roles played by members in hierarchical systems (family and organizations); and methods for analyzing and resolving conflicts amongst key stakeholders both in home and work settings. Students develop their understanding of how the family of origin impacts assessment and understanding in family systems (genograms), tools for analyzing and planning for conflict resolution and the ways in which multiple perspectives can be considered in responding to differences amongst key stakeholders within the school community.




  1. This course will prepare students to:
  2. 1. Demonstrate professional competency in use of genograms as an assessment and understanding tool.
  3. 2. Apply key aspects of sustainability relative to society at large, and its dependence relative to the ethical obligation of citizens.
  4. 3. Examine professional competency for conflict resolution, as the school leader.
  5. 4. Evaluate how conflicts originate and how to resolve difficult situations.
  6. 5. Design conflict resolution strategies using de-escalation techniques and mediation.