ECU 586 Integrated Curriculum in STEM and Science Education *
This course introduces candidates to the integration of STEM with other content areas. The course emphasizes the organization of integrated instruction around a single theme, anchoring phenomenon, or essential understanding. Candidates will learn to recognize and leverage the overlaps among and between CCSS for ELA, NGSS science and engineering practices, NGSS cross-cutting concepts, and standards for mathematical practices.
Admission to the M.Ed. program.
- This course will prepare students to:
- 1. Synthesize knowledge of STEM content by planning instruction that integrates other content areas.
- 2. Create thematic units that integrate STEM with other content areas.
- 3. Leverage overlaps among and between the Common Core State Standards for ELA, CCSS math practices, science and engineering practices, and cross-cutting concepts.
- 4. Demonstrate leadership in STEM and science education.
- 5. Evaluate and apply research and theory related to best practices in integrated instruction.
- 6. Demonstrate a commitment to equity and culturally responsive teaching in integrated instruction.