EDLD 652 Advanced Seminar in Supervision and Instructional Leadership
This course prepares candidates to apply tools and strategies to develop support for design or re-design of school system structures to ensure that all children meet academic standards. The course focuses on best practices for school systems to simultaneously plan and implement initiatives to increase student achievement. Candidates utilize specific strategies to balance school system authority and school autonomy while creating opportunities for team support, collaboration, and the development of diverse professional learning communities.
- This course will prepare students to:
- 1. Align the Learning Organization.
- 2. Learn strategies to improve the district’s support for student learning by using data effectively, by strategically allocating resources to develop a learning organization.
- 3. Focus on Results.
- 4. Analyze and respond to critical issues confronting instructional leaders.
- 5. Learn to build the school systems’ capacity as a professional community to collaboratively share responsibility for all students’ successful academic achievement.
- 6. Become knowledgeable and skilled in examining research and best practice findings in order to assess system readiness for organizational planning and implementation of strategies needed for all students to achieve academic success.