EGC 605 Internship I
In this course, learners transition from practicum to internship where they begin to use counselling skills with students in the school and undertake other aspects of the role of school counsellor identified as benchmarks. Learners develop more advanced practice skill with microskills and assess their efficacy in the counselling session. Students apply a case conceptualization framework to a case and explore the intended purpose of an approach. Learners further deepen their goal setting and reflection skills. The intern and mentor complete an evaluation form to assess the intern’s progress in applying the fundamental skills, knowledge and ethics required in the role and to identify learning new learning goals and tasks.
- This course will prepare students to:
- 1. Identify and demonstrate advancing ability in the use of microskills and their effect on the client in practice counselling sessions.
- 2. Demonstrate integrity and follow ethical standards.
- 3. Establish a therapeutic alliance.
- 4. Explore cases using case conceptualization framework.
- 5. Explore and describe one’s thinking, beliefs, emotions, values, and behaviours at an intermediate level (reflection) and the purpose of one’s interaction/ approach in the use of skills or a case.
- 6. Develop and assess strategies for skill and knowledge development.
- 7. Apply a reflective process.
- 8. Use professional terms.
- 9. Demonstrate professional administrative and collaborative practices in work with instructor, and follow policy and practice related to internship requirements.