ERL 578 Instruction, Assessment, and Intervention in Literacy
This course examines the purpose and application of assessment within the five essential components of reading (phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension) and how they relate to the strands of Scarborough’s Reading Rope (2001). Candidates identify and administer research-based literacy assessments for a variety of purposes and use assessment data to inform intervention and instruction in the form of a in the form of a case study project. This course includes components of state requirements for certification.
- This course will prepare students to:
- 1. Develop understanding of the different types of reading assessments (screening, diagnostic, progress monitoring, summative) and the purpose of each.
- 2. Administer research-based assessments as appropriate for a specific subgroup or individual student and analyze results in order to develop appropriate interventions.
- 3. Develop an understanding of how assessment informs whole class instruction as well as differentiation for specific subgroups and individual students (multilingual learners, students with dyslexia, students below or far below grade level in reading).
- 4. Analyze research-based assessment data within a case study in order to develop appropriate interventions.
- 5. Integrate knowledge of the Simple View of Reading (SVR) and Scarborough’s Reading Rope (2001) when designing and implementing appropriate interventions in response to assessment data.