ESL 544 Evidence-Based Instructional Practices for ELL

This course provides teacher candidates with foundational evidence-based practices in planning, instruction, and assessment for ELL students. Topics will surround ELL teaching pedagogy (such as the SIOP model, TPR, GLAD, BICs/CALPs, CALLA), and other supplemental teaching resources that can help ELL students access instruction and maintain academic rigor. This course will focus heavily on strategies for scaffolding and differentiation for ELL learners within general education settings. This course includes components of state requirements for certification.




  1. This course will prepare students to:
  2. 1. Analyze and reflect on the classroom, school, and community experiences of ELLs and how such experiences influence the education of culturally and linguistically diverse populations.
  3. 2. Apply differentiated instruction and assessment strategies through research-based concepts and theories of educational linguistics, second language acquisition, and literacy development.
  4. 3. Analyze a variety of materials for language learning including books, visual aids, props, realia, software, internet resources, native language resources and technological resources to enhance language and content-area knowledge.
  5. 4. Apply a range of teaching strategies, structures, and methods to support the development of higher-level thinking skills at all levels of language proficiency.
  6. 5. Design plans to support English language learners’ authentic engagement and interaction in a variety of learning environments (e.g., whole group, cooperative groups, independent learning, and individualized instruction).
  7. 6. Construct and facilitate learning experiences that simultaneously develop English language proficiencies and discipline-specific knowledge.
  8. 7. Create instructional plans and assessments to support ELLs’ language development across language domains and within disciplines.