ESP 535 Low Incidence Disabilities
This course is a study of low-incidence disabilities as defined under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Candidates understand the diverse learning needs of K-12 students who receive special education services under the Low-Incidence eligibility category, including Deaf/Hard of Hearing, Visually Impaired, Deaf-Blindness, Orthopedic/Physical Disabilities, Cognitive/Intellectual Disabilities, Neurodiversity/Autism Spectrum, Emotional/Behavioral Disability, Other Health Impairment, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Multiple Disabilities. Emphasis is placed on definitions, advocacy, family involvement, collaboration, assessments, instructional methods, and special education programming for diverse learning needs under the Low Incidence disability category and in accordance with federal and state special education laws. Course includes components of state requirements for certification.
- This course will prepare students to:
- 1. Understand diverse learning needs of students with low-incidence disabilities and strategies for collaboration.
- 2. Understand and apply evidence-based instructional, environmental, or other modifications and accommodations to equitably serve K-12 students with low-incidence disabilities.
- 3. Design effective programming for a real or hypothetical classroom for students with low-incidence disabilities (including IEP planning in accordance with federal and state special education law).