Payment of Tuition and Fees/Past-Due Account Balance Fee

Tuition is due the 20th of the month prior to the month in which the course begins. All fees are due at the time they are incurred. Students are responsible for purchasing course materials and textbooks separately. If however, any part of the tuition and fees remain unpaid by the 30th day of the course, the student will be assessed a carrying fee on the unpaid balance. For more information, please visit the Tuition, Fees and Charges page in the Financial Policies section of this catalog. 

Paying in Person

Students may pay in-person by cash or check during business hours which are Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. In the U.S. payment in-person is accepted only at CityU’s Seattle location, which is located at 521 Wall Street, Seattle, Washington. In Canada, payment in-person is accepted only at the Vancouver, British Columbia location, which is located at 789 W. Pender Street, Suite 310, Vancouver, B.C.

Paying by Mail

All students, except for Canadian students, send payment to:

City University of Seattle

Attn: Business Office

521 Wall Street, Suite 100, Seattle, WA 98121

Canadian students send payment to:

City University of Seattle

789 W Pender St., Suite 310, Vancouver, BC V6C 1HR


City University of Seattle

1040 7th Ave SW, Suite 120, Calgary, AB T2P 3G9

Paying by Phone

Credit card payments for tuition, fees, and other charges are not accepted over the phone.

Paying Online

Visit the portal to make an online payment. CityU accepts: VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover Card. A 2.85% service fee (minimum fee of $3.00) applies to all payments made by credit or debit cards. 

Paying by Wire Transfer

International students needing to pay by wire transfer may do so via Flywire on the portal or contact the International Student Office.

(Policy #2400.02)

Regulations and Action

A hold will be placed on any student account if a balance remains after the tuition due date for the current quarter or if there is a balance remaining after receiving third party payments. City University of Seattle reserves the right to cancel the enrollment of any student failing to meet the financial obligation incurred by registration. Such action may not however cancel the financial obligations the student incurred by virtue of enrollment. The University further reserves the right to withhold grades, statement of honorable dismissal, diploma, or withhold the right of registration for a subsequent quarter or course, until all outstanding charges have been paid and the student’s account has been cleared.

(Policy #2400.09 and #2400.03)