ERL 546 Reading and Writing Integration

The outcomes for this learning block focus on reading and writing as processes for constructing meaning. Readers and writers are involved in many similar activities, drawing on author-reader-text interactions. Emphasis is placed on developing a text-rich classroom environment that supports reading and writing connections, guided by the research base for process-oriented planning and instruction. Study is guided by current learning targets and standards, which emphasize the progression from oral to written language, the use of authentic and complex text, and collaboration using speaking and listening skills. Candidates develop an artifact(s) that demonstrate the closely related processes of reading and writing, with consideration given to English Language Acquisition students, struggling readers and other learning diversities that may impede the expected skill development scaffold. 




Approval by Program Director


  1. This course will prepare students to:
  2. Analyze current learning goals and personal development to increase teaching practices.
  3. Investigate the research and philosophical foundations that balance reading with writing.
  4. Illustrate how the reading and writing processes are mutually supportive.
  5. Propose an instructional plan or model that teaches and assesses reading and writing through authentic literacy experiences, meeting the needs of all students.
  6. Explain how the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) shifts for ELA/Literacy effect reading and writing instruction.