Transcripts from Other Institutions

Students admitted to City University of Seattle as degree candidates, who have attended other collegiate institutions, are required to submit official transcripts of coursework completed at those institutions. Official transcripts received by mail carry the embossed seal of the institution and signature of the certifying school officer. They must be received by City University of Seattle in a sealed envelope. Copies are unofficial and unacceptable.

Electronic transcripts must come to a central designated email ( in the Registrar’s Office. Electronic transcripts must be accompanied by an electronic certification. Electronic transcripts, or emails pertaining to retrieving electronic transcripts, may not be forwarded and would be considered unofficial and unacceptable.

City University of Seattle does not solicit transcripts. Students must request official transcripts from former institutions themselves, and have them forwarded to the City University of Seattle Office of the Registrar. It is the student’s responsibility to pay any transcript fees.

Once received, transcripts become the property of City University of Seattle and part of the student’s permanent file. Students who want to obtain copies of documents in their files must submit a signed written request to the Office of the Registrar.

(Policy #2100.19)