MBA 546 European Union

This course is designed to provide a practical perspective on doing business in the European Union. The primary focus will be on the internal market and those policies and institutions which directly affect the economic environment within the EU. The course will examine the harmonization of policies across Europe but also address the diversity of member states and how that fragments the market and affects business and functional-area strategies. Upon completing the course, students will be able to make informed strategic decisions about how businesses can best capitalize on the opportunities that the European market provides.




MBA 500, MBA 501


  1. This course will prepare students to:
  2. Analyze how businesses can directly benefit from and also influence the institutions and policies of the EU.
  3. Determine the conditions under which Europe-wide business and functional area strategies can be adopted.
  4. Debate the EU’s evolving role in the global economy.
  5. Construct a market entry or expansion strategy for the whole or a part of Europe.
  6. Categorize member states according to cultural, economic, political and technological criteria.
  7. Critique the level of completeness of the four freedoms (goods, services, persons and capital) which make up the single European market.