Credit Overload Consideration

The maximum credit load per term is (15} fifteen credits for under-graduate students, (12} twelve credits per term for masters students, and (9} nine credits for doctoral students. Requests to exceed these limits may be approved by the school dean or designee on a case-by-case basis.

Undergraduate students may qualify for a credit overload if they currently have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 and have earned at least (15) fifteen credits at CityU and are in at least the third term of study at CityU. Masters and Doctoral Students may qualify for a credit overload if they currently have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.25 and have earned at least (9) nine credits and are in at least the third term of study at CityU.

After the first full quarter of enrollment, at the discretion of the school dean or designee, undergraduate and graduate students who qualify under the above description may apply for course overloads. Permission to exceed the maximum credit load is extended to a student on a term-by-term basis.

Students enrolled exclusively in a cohort program may exceed the established credit load policy on an exception basis depending upon the program's pre-approved schedule rotation.

Students should consult with the Veterans Affairs Office regarding definition of full-time load and different limitations on maximum credit enrollment.


(Policy #2200.05)