AI 610 Agent Based Systems

This course provides students with a comprehensive introduction to agents and multi-agent systems. Topics include agent architectures, distributed AI and agents, intelligent agents, multiagent systems, agent interaction, communication, and distributed decision-making models. Students evaluate current trends in intelligent agents and their use cases in business and industry and non-profit organizations. Students illustrate their knowledge designing a real-world application developed in a cloud-based framework SDK.




  1. This course will prepare students to:
  2. Explain basic concepts of agents and intelligent agent systems both from theoretical and practical point of view.
  3. Identify basic methodologies of single and multi-agent intelligent systems.
  4. Apply principles and methods of intelligent agents to a small-scale practical problem.
  5. Analyze methods, techniques, and tools for the use of intelligent agent-based systems.
  6. Evaluate current trends in intelligent agents and their use cases in business and industry and non-profit organizations.
  7. Design and implement an application of an agent-based system using cloud AI framework and services.