MC 573 International Business

All businesses need to understand the current international business environment. From a strategic systems perspective, the international market is considered from the viewpoint of competition and emerging opportunities. Internal functional operations need to conform to international requirements with reference to marketing, taxation, finance, management, and labor. This course explores cultural, social and political forces, and governmental regulations that affect strategies and profit.




  1. This course will prepare students to:
  2. Analyze the factors companies with international operations should consider when setting overall international strategy.
  3. Compare and contrast the rationale for trade versus direct foreign investment in evaluating operational choices.
  4. Demonstrate an understanding of the world financial environment in terms of currency convertibility, exchange rate exposure, and methods of securing funds.
  5. Evaluate the facts of a business situation and make decisions by applying principles of international business.
  6. Explain how companies may need to adapt their functional operations to conform to international requirements, with reference to marketing, accounting, taxation, finance, management, and labor.
  7. Understand different ethical dilemmas businesses encounter in the international environment.