Prohibition of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence

Sexual Harassment and Title IX Policy Statement - U.S. Campus

City University of Seattle adheres to all federal, state, and local civil rights laws prohibiting discrimination in employment and education. City University of Seattle does not discriminate in its admissions practices, in its employment practices, or in its educational programs or activities on the basis of sex/gender. In the U.S., as a recipient of federal financial assistance for education activities, City University of Seattle is required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 to ensure that all of its education programs and activities do not discriminate on the basis of sex/gender. Sex includes sexual stereotypes, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, and pregnancy or parenting status.

City University of Seattle also prohibits retaliation against any person opposing discrimination or participating in any discrimination investigation or complaint process internal or external to the institution. Sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, and stalking are forms of sex discrimination, which are prohibited under Title IX and by City University of Seattle policy.

Any member of the campus community, guest, or visitor who acts to deny, deprive, or limit the educational, employment, residential, or social access, opportunities and/or benefits of any member of the City University of Seattle community on the basis of sex is in violation of the Policy on Prohibition of Sexual Harassment and Title IX Policy.

Any person may report sex discrimination (whether or not the person reporting is the person alleged to have experienced the conduct), in person, by mail, by telephone, by video, or by email, using the contact information listed for the Title IX Coordinator (below). A report may be made at any time (including during non-business hours) by email.

Questions regarding Title IX, including its application and/or concerns about noncompliance, should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator. For a complete copy of the policy or for more information, visit  or contact the Title IX Coordinator.

Individuals who believe they have experienced sex discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation in violation of City University of Seattle policy should contact the following:

Individuals with Oversight for all Non-Discrimination Claims

Faculty Staff
Janet O'Leary, Director, Human Resources
Phone: 206.239.4940
All Other
Melissa Mecham, VP Student Administration
Phone: 206.239.4730
Title IX Coordinator
521 Wall Street
Seattle, WA 98121
Phone: 206.239.4753

A person may also file a complaint with the appropriate federal, state, or local agency within the time frame required by law. Depending upon the nature of the complaint, the appropriate agency may be the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Office for Civil Rights (OCR) of the U.S. Department of Education, the Department of Justice, and/or the Washington Human Rights Commission.

Human Rights Commission
Olympia Headquarters Office
711 S. Capitol Way, Suite 402
PO Box 4290
Olympia, WA 98504-2490
Phone: 360.753.6770
Fax: 360.586.2282
Toll Free: 1.800.233.3247
TTY: 1.800.300.7525
Se Habla Español
OCR District/Seattle Office
U.S. Department of Education
915 Second Avenue, Room 3310
Seattle, WA 98174-1099
Phone: 206.607.1600
Fax: 206.607.0601
EOCE Field Office
Federal Office Building
909  First Avenue, Suite 400
Seattle, WA 98104-1061
Phone: 1.800.669.4000
Fax: 206.220.6911
TTY: 1.800.669.6820
ASL Video Phone: 844.234.5122
Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
Office for Civil Rights, National Headquarters
U.S. Department of Education
Lyndon Baines Johnson Department of Education
Building 400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-1100
Phone: 800.421.3481

Within any resolution process related to our policy, City University of Seattle provides reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities and religious accommodations, when that accommodation is consistent with state and federal law.

City University of Seattle does not discriminate in its employment practices or in its educational programs or activities on the basis of sex/gender. City University of Seattle also prohibits retaliation against any person opposing discrimination or participating in any discrimination investigation or complaint process internally or externally. Reports of misconduct, questions regarding Title IX, and concerns about noncompliance should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator. For a complete copy of the policy or for more information, please contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Assistant Secretary of Education within the Office for Civil Rights (OCR). Email:

Respectful Workplace Policy - Canada Campus

City University of Seattle, Canada is committed to ensuring that the education environment is bounded by standards of mutual respect and safety and is free from discriminatory practices. In compliance with the British Columbia Human Rights Code, the Alberta Human Rights Act, WorksafeBC, and the Workers’ Compensation Board of Alberta, the University believes that its environment should at all times be supportive and respectful of the dignity and self-esteem of individuals. Discrimination, harassment and bullying conduct, whether through person to person behaviour or via electronic communications such as email or social media is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. As an educational institution, it is our responsibility to cultivate an environment of excellence, equity, mutual respect and to recognize the value and potential of every individual. The University will take all necessary steps to meet or exceed the requirements of the law to prevent discrimination, harassment and bullying.

The Respectful Workplace Policy for the prevention of discrimination, harassment and bullying policy and procedure can be found at under the Policies section or

Individuals who believe they have experienced discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation in violation of City University of Seattle policy should contact the following:

Janet O'Leary, Director, Human Resources
Phone: 206.239.4940
All Other
Steve Conway VP/Associate Provost
Phone: 778.588.5017

(Policy #2300.12)