EEA 532 Instructional Leadership: Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment

Students gain applicable knowledge and skills that lead to an understanding of how school leaders manage instructional processes. Students learn about a leader’s view of curriculum, instruction and assessment, and pedagogy that guide teachers along the career continuum. Students build leadership capacity to make a positive impact on teaching, learning, and assessment, as well as review of provincial and territorial government documents.




  1. This course prepares students to:
  2. Examine social responsibility and sustainability as they are found within the provincial/territorial curriculum, assessment, and instruction documents.
  3. Evaluate instructional pedagogy utilizing evidence and field-based educational research.
  4. Evaluate how teaching pedagogy is used to guide provincial/territorial and professional curriculum standards.
  5. Create effective teaching methodologies for school-wide curriculum, assessment, and instructional practices.
  6. Design Indigenous approaches to curriculum, assessment, and instructional practices.