DBA 670 Organizational Development Capstone *
In this capstone course, students conduct an experience project that serves to apply the learning in the DBA program and to culminate the learning outcomes through a project deliverable. Through this experience, students conduct an analysis on an organization within the community. Students will analyze the organization’s environment, identify a root cause of an existing problem, propose opportunities for improvement, recommend solution(s), and identify key performance metrics designed to track the long-term success of the recommendations.
Completion of DBA business core
- This course will prepare students to:
- 1. Network and gain access to an organization for the purpose of gathering information for a strengths-based intervention.
- 2. Conduct a data-driven business analysis and intervention, founded in accepted research methodologies, to improve operational performance.
- 3. Utilize the DBA program content and your specialized block courses in challenging and meaningful ways.
- 4. Apply your own knowledge, skills, abilities (SKA) and strengths to the work environment.
- 5. Enhance your portfolio of DBA program accomplishments.