DBA 694F Dissertation 6 *

The Dissertation courses DBA694 A – F are an integrated sequence of 3-credit courses that equal a total of 18 credits, culminating in the student’s final Dissertation and Defense. Students work with their Chair in DBA 694A to develop a researchable dissertation and with their Chair and Committee Members to complete their Dissertation. Students work on their Prospectus, Proposal, Dissertation, and Defense within the six, 3-credit Dissertation Course sequence.




All DBA and matrixed DBA courses prior to DBA 694A. DBA 694 A – F sequence is taken and passed in order by alphabet one course per quarter unless additional courses are approved by the program director.


  1. 1. Design independent, original research that contributes to the field of business administration.
  2. 2. Demonstrate proficiency in advanced research methodologies and their application to business administration.
  3. 3. Analyze literature to inform complex strategic decision-making opportunities by synthesizing relevant theories, models, and frameworks.
  4. 4. Compose and orally defend a well-structured, coherent, and academically rigorous dissertation that adheres to scholarly and CityU standards and effectively communicates research findings and implications.