ECC 602 Counselling Practicum
The counselling practicum is the second of two mentored, integrated, sequential field experience courses planned by the student, the university instructor, and where possible, a mentoring school counsellor to meet program standards and individual learning goals. Learners develop basic counselling microskills, reflective practice, and personalized learning objectives. Class activities include a focus on wellbeing and the experience of being a practicum student. Students are introduced to collaboration, case conceptualization and a person-centred approach to working with children. Students are oriented to the evaluation process and the use of benchmark assessment. In the field, students observe school counsellors at elementary and/ or secondary levels to become familiar with the breadth and variation of the school counsellor role.
- This course will prepare students to:
- 1. Identify and demonstrate the use of microskills.
- 2. Explore obligations of confidentiality and ensure informed consent prior to practice counselling session.
- 3. Describe, define, and explore the meaning of wellbeing and its significance in professional practice, and maintain sufficient level of personal wellbeing in the role of school counselling practicum student.
- 4. Use professional terms.
- 5. Develop strategies for skill and knowledge development.
- 6. Apply a reflective process.
- 7. Demonstrate professional administrative and collaborative practices in work with instructor, and follow policy and practice related to internship requirements.