EDU 404A Content: Student Assessment & Evaluation

This course introduces assessment methods (formative, summative, student voice, self-monitoring, questioning strategies, etc.).  Emphasis is placed on the skills necessary to align assessments with standards and learning targets, to inform future instructional decisions, and how to provide effective feedback to students. Candidates will use self-reflection to analyze and inform their own assessment practices.   




  1. This course will prepare students to:
  2. 1. Explain how assessments and feedback are used to inform student progress and instruction, including student voice.
  3. 2. Develop a variety of assessments aligned with learning targets.
  4. 3. Analyze student work to determine strength and growth areas related to learning targets.
  5. 4. Write student feedback to assist students in recognizing strengths and areas for growth.
  6. 5. Reflect on assessment trends to inform future instructional decisions and modify assessments.