EDU 475 Apprenticeship Residency I

Candidates seeking an Alternative Route endorsement co-teach with a cooperating teacher in a school placement in their content area for a full school year from September through June to develop and demonstrate capacities to perform the full-time responsibilities of a teacher and to make a positive impact on student learning. During Apprenticeship Residency I, September through December candidates exhibit essential dispositions; demonstrate skill in planning, engagement, assessment, and reflection upon student learning during the beginning of the school year.




  1. This course will prepare students to:
  2. 1. Candidates learn from the collective experiences of the group by sharing collaboratively about their experiences and growth in the classroom.
  3. 2. Establish professional habits and dispositions expected of a professional teacher.
  4. 3. Develop instructional skills to make a positive impact on student learning.
  5. 4. Plan learning for positive inclusion of all students and families.
  6. 5. Self assess and plan for professional growth.
  7. 6. Refine practice through description, analysis, and reflection.
  8. 7. Apply education theories to the needs of students in the classroom context.