Freedom of Expression and Inquiry
Freedom of discussion, inquiry, and expression is a cornerstone of education. The University is committed to valuing and respecting diverse viewpoints and encourages students to engage in discussion, to exchange ideas and opinions, and to speak, write, and publish freely in accordance with the guarantees and limitations of local and/or national laws.
Students have not only a right, but also a responsibility, to examine critically the insights, understandings, values, issues, and concerns which have evolved in the various areas of human activity. Consequently, it is the policy that University-registered student organizations may extend invitations for guest lecturers, exhibitors, performers, and exhibitions of works of art with no restrictions of form or content other than those imposed by local and/or national law. It is understood that inviting a speaker, performer, or exhibit does not imply concurrence of the University or of the sponsoring organization with the opinions, beliefs, or values expressed. The University recognizes that free debate and critique are essential to the pursuit of knowledge. As participants in collegial self-governance, all members of the community are expected to act in accordance with this policy and applicable laws, which the University will safeguard by whatever steps it deems necessary.
In exercising their rights, members of the University community should understand that the public may judge the institution by their actions. Hence, they should always strive to be honest and accurate, exercise appropriate restraint, and show appropriate respect for the opinions of others. Ideas and opinions presented on our campuses are neither a reflection of, nor an endorsement from, the University, unless otherwise stated.
If any student feels that they have been treated unfairly because of their views, they should contact the Provost.
Policy #: 2300.23