Course Resources and Textbooks
To find textbook and course resource information, students should consult their Course Reading List from the library website ("Reading Lists" button) or in Brightspace..
In the U.S.
Students may purchase their required course resources using any book vendor they choose. Additional course materials, available at no cost to students, may be found on the Reading List and Brightspace course shells which students gain access to thirty (30) days prior to the start of their course(s). Some courses may have additional tuition charges for required course materials; this, too, will be indicated on the Course Reading List.
In Canada
Students attending in Canada may purchase their required course resources from the CityU Canada Bookstore website (or call 877.289.1151 or email Some courses may have additional tuition charges for required course materials; this, too, will be indicated on the Course Reading List. Students living in Canada but enrolled in U.S. Distance learning must follow the U.S. requirements.
Outside the U.S. and Canada
Students are provided local service options and should consult with their advisor or appropriate in-country contact for more information.