MAL 570 Leading Teams

This course explores the art of team building with face-to-face, global, and virtual teams. Collaboration provides whole-systems thinking and analysis that presents an opportunity for a win-win decision-making process that mutually benefits all stakeholders. Local and global project planning will be explored through effective application of human capital and communication strategies. You will be exposed to different style of thinking. Managing team idea exchanges will be evaluated. Practical techniques for leading, coaching, and motivating collaborative teams of technical and non-technical professionals will be discussed and practiced. You will evaluate methods that foster team synergy and promote high performance teams. You will learn methods of creating cohesive and emotionally intelligent teams. Benefits of chartering for team effectiveness will be explored.




  1. This course will prepare students to:
  2. Create a team After Action Review (AAR), assess team effectiveness, and recommend changes to enhance team performance and morale. tiveness, and recommend changes to enhance team performance and morale.
  3. Explain symptoms and strategies of Groupthink observed in a team environment.
  4. Explain how leaders build trust, handle conflict, empower commitment, hold people accountable, and ensure results.
  5. Assess what a team might do if the organization’s culture has trouble supporting teamwork.
  6. Analyze an organizational problem, conflict management, and recommend solutions.
  7. Analyze the concepts of forming, storming, norming, and performing with team building and problem-solving.
  8. Demonstrate the ability to work effectively on a team and create a team charter.