Non-Degree Plans of Study, Alternative Routes

The Alternative Route undergraduate programs listed below are approved by the Washington State Professional Educator Standards Board to offer a shorter, alternative route to becoming a teacher. These programs are designed for people who have prior school district and/or subject matter experience and wish to complete a teaching program with district consent.

Alternative Route 2  is designed for candidates currently employed by a school district who have a bachelor's degree.

Alternative Route 3  is designed for candidates who have a bachelor's degree, who are not employed by a school district, but have documented career expertise in a subject-matter shortage area such as special education, English language, or math.

Alternative Route 4  is designed for candidates who have a bachelor's degree who are employed by a school district at the time of application and hold a conditional teaching or emergency substitute certificate. 


Admission Requirements

In addition to CityU's undergraduate admission requirementsapplicants to one of the Non-Degree Plans of Study Alternative Route programs must meet the following admission criteria:

  • Completion of a bachelor degree from an accredited institution of higher education.
  • Complete an interview with program faculty.
  • Submit a resume with three references.
  • Complete each section of the Washington Educators Skills Test - Basic (WEST-B), or pass the State-approved test for Math, Reading, and Writing.
  • Pass the following tests, preferably prior to admission to the program: SPED (West E 70), ELL (West E 51), Math (NES 203 or 204), and/or Elementary (NES 102 and 103). All candidates must pass these tests for certification.
  • Candidates must have district authorization to participate in Alternative Routes.


Alternative Route 3  and Alternative Route 4 applicants must also provide documentation of 80 hours of supervised work with children.

Applicants for alternative route programs who are eligible veterans or National Guard members and who meet the entry requirements for the alternative route program for which application is made shall be given preference in admission.


Education Core

EDU 308American School Law and Issues in Special Populations


EDU 404AContent: Student Assessment & Evaluation


EDU 316Content: Planning and Instruction


EDU 318Content: Classroom Culture and Environment


EDU 309Social Justice, Equity and Diversity


EDU 475Apprenticeship Residency I


EDU 476Apprenticeship Residency II *


EDU 479Field Experience III



The list of courses required for these endorsements is forthcoming.

Elementary Education Endorsement

English Language Learner Endorsement

Mathematics Endorsement

Middle Level Mathematics Endorsement

Special Education Endorsement

Test Only Option


Courses with an asterisk (*) after their title have a pre- or co-requisite.