Independent Learning Contract

An independent learning contract is set up as an individualized instruction to meet a student's needs under special circumstances (for example, when the course that a student needs to graduate is not available for registration in the required quarter). The instructor outlines the parameters and establishes clear goals and project timelines for the student to complete.

Canadian Programs

The following courses may not be taken as Individual Learning Contracts (ILCs).

Master of Counselling

  • CPC 501 Introduction to Counselling Psychology Practice
  • CPC 510 Professional Ethics and Law
  • CPC 512 Family Systems Therapy
  • CPC 522 Psychology of Trauma and Interpersonal Violence
  • CPC 527 Group Counselling Psychology

Master of Education in School Counselling

  • ECC 513 Ethics and Law for School-based Practice
  • ECC 514 Introduction to School-based Counselling
  • ECC 516 Family Systems and Conflict Management
  • EGC 536 Group Counselling and Management

Furthermore, the number of Individual Learning Contracts should be limited to four (4) or a maximum of 12 credits.


Individual Learning Contracts for the Master of Counselling or the Master of Education program in Canada must be pre-authorized by the onsite Program Director.


The Program Academic Advisor is responsible to assure that such authorization is in place and documented prior to registration.