CJ 465 Bureaupathology

This course shows relationships between the structures/processes of organizations and the "pathologies" to which organizations are prone. Students learn to apply and sharpen their understanding of the nature and causes of organizational pathology by closely examining case studies on failure to apply those lessons. Students also gain a deeper understanding of how management policy and employee behavior can undermine the efficient, effective, and lawful delivery of goods and services by public and private sector organizations.




  1. This course will prepare students to:
  2. Study the relationship between the fundamental structures/processes of organization and the "pathologies" to which organizations are prone, with particular emphasis on law enforcement organizations.
  3. Consider how decision-makers, in both simple and complex situations, make choices having unforeseen, unintended and negative consequences.
  4. Understand how structural pathologies, decisional challenges and human nature and culture can interact to undermine the efficient, effective and lawful delivery of goods and services.
  5. Study and assess how leadership, oversight, structural reform and enhanced decision-capacity can help renew organizations beset by critical and/or chronic failures of performance.
  6. Demonstrate their understanding of the causes, symptoms, progression and treatment of organizational pathology in general and with respect to a specific organization.